4. Brazil ElDorado Farm

83+ Cupping Score

Eldorado Farm resides in the picturesque Alta Mogiana region in São Paulo, Brazil, graced with high altitudes and a tropical climate. This locale experiences humid, wet summers and brief dry winters, creating an ideal environment for coffee cultivation. It's no wonder the region has garnered acclaim, boasting numerous award-winning coffees.

The coffee offered originates ethically from Eldorado Farm, encompassing seven distinct plots. Renowned for its notably sweet coffees, the farm employs the Honey processing method. This technique involves stripping the beans of their pulps but refraining from washing them, allowing the beans to bask in the sun and absorb the luscious flavors from the fruit remnants attached to them.

In 2001, Mr. Laerce Franca Faleiros, the farm's proprietor, established the Cooperative de Cafeicultores de Ibaraci - Cocapil. This cooperative serves as the hub where coffees are received, meticulously prepared, and stored in the family's warehouse. Specializing solely in fine and specialty coffees, Cocapil facilitates Direct Trade relationships, boasting 100% traceability within their warehouses. At their coffee lab, every batch undergoes tasting, ensuring alignment with the desired cupping profiles sought by end consumers.

Pioneers in fostering transparent commercial relationships with producers, Cocapil ensures their coffee lots consistently achieve high grades following the SCA cupping methodology, thus guaranteeing better remuneration for their members. Each received lot undergoes scrutiny by their Q-graders, validating its quality and meeting stringent standards.

Origin: Brazil

Region: Alto Mogiana Mineira

Altitude: 900-1000 m.s.l

Varietal: Red Catuai

Processing: Honey, pulped natural & natural

Flavours: Chocolate, Hazelnut and Berries


3. Jonathan Gasca


5. Ainabtany AB