Chiapas - El Jaguar Estate - Mexico

Chiapas is located in the very south-west of Mexico and shares a border with the coffee producing region of Huehuetenango in Guatemala. The region is perfect for growing coffee as it is humid, warm and has an abundance of rain which keeps the volcanic soil hydrated. It’s high altitude also helps to prevent disease from attacking the plants.

This coffee is ethically sourced from small batch cooperatives across the Chiapas region and has flavours of cinnamon, dark chocolate, tangerine, brown sugar, caramel and the acidity is comparable to fine lemon grass.

Coffee was introduced to Mexico during the 18th century from Cuba and since then the country has become the fifth largest producer in the world with an output of around 4 million bags per year.

Due to border disputes with Guatemala and the subsequent land registration that occurred in the 19th century, large areas of arable land were bought in Mexico by wealthy Europeans, and the first coffee plantations were formed.

Mexico has the lowest annual coffee consumption in the whole of Latin America. Most of the country’s yearly 4 million bag commercial and specialty grade coffee production is exported to North America, whilst under-grades, known as “Desmanches”, are often used by the local coffee industry for internal consumption. Because of the ease and long-standing export of coffee to the U.S., it is still relatively rare for top quality Mexican coffees to find their way into the European or Asian market. However, there are some wonderful and diverse growing regions: Oaxaca, Chiapas and Veracruz all have distinct cup profiles and a small number of producers pioneering quality production in those areas.

Origin: Mexico

Region: Chiapis

Varietal: Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon


Certification: Conventional

Processing: Washed Sundried.


Peru El Locoo Natural